UFO Talker

UFO Talker

Michael Ryan

UFO Talker will be available every Wednesday. It will be a mixture of discussion, interviews and people describing their sightings of unidentified flying objects. You can contact the podcast by email: ufotalker@bell.net

Categories: Arts

Listen to the last episode:

Send us a textRerun series. Season 2 Episode 13. In this episode that originally aired on November 29, 2023 host Michael Ryan interviews Raymond Szymanski about his book, 50 Shades of Greys and his 40 years working as an engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Ray talks about many aspect of the base including his theories on where the alien bodies could be buried. You can purchase Ray's books, Alien Shades of Greys, 50 Shades of Greys and Swamp Gas My Ass on Amaz...

Previous episodes

  • 109 - Engineer Ray Szymanski talks about his 40 years at Wright-Patterson AFB and where the U.S. Air Force may have buried the alien bodies/ Christine Scott's book review of 50 Shades of Greys 
    Wed, 25 Sep 2024
  • 108 - Interview with Scottish Ufologist Malcolm Robinson/ Bonnybridge Scotland's UFO hot spot/ The Ian McPherson UFO photos/ The Falkland Hill UFO Incident 
    Wed, 18 Sep 2024
  • 107 - Interview with Canadian investigative journalist Daniel Otis/ He talks about a UFO over a NORAD base in North Bay, Ontario in 2007/ Eyewitness account of a passenger on a American Airlines flight who saw a large cylindrical UFO Oct. 15, 2022 
    Wed, 11 Sep 2024
  • 106 - Part 2 Interview with Investigator Gary Heseltine on the Rendlesham Forest Incident/ Sgt. Penniston and Airman John Burroughs both had missing time/ OSI used drugs and intimidation during interrogation 
    Wed, 04 Sep 2024
  • 105 - British Detective Gary Heseltine talks about his 5 year investigation into the Rendlesham Forest Incident/ New evidence heard for the first time on this podcast/ Christine Scott's review of Non-Human 
    Wed, 28 Aug 2024
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